Dankesworte anlässlich der Verleihung des German Jewish History Award – Abgeordnetenhaushaus Berlin am 27. Januar 2009 (Videomitschnitt)

von Hans-Dieter Arntz

AbgeordnetenhausHonored Dr. Obermayer,
Honored Parliament President Momper,
Ladies and gentlemen

Actually I wanted to give a detailed speech, but because of the many conversations I have had in the morning and in the afternoon I have now decided to keep it short.

Like my fellow award winners I would like to thank you, Dr. Obermayer, and Mr Momper for feeling encharge of giving this event a special value.

I would also like to thank Dr. Obermayer whose initiative – and successful results – made us all come together. The presence of my nominator, Mrs Shulamit Spain-Gayer, makes me shine with gratitude.

Once again I want to point out that the Jewish local communities are not forgotten at all, but they still live on from research and the new interpersonal activities.

Thank you


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